Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The tale of the sock

This morning was one of those wtf mornings. I wasn't sure getting up at all would be a good thing...

First thing I noticed that my friend had called me. My local time it was 4.30, hers... I'd say some time during the evening. Couldn't understand much but I think she said she misses me. Not exactly the worst way to wake up, I might add. :P

So then I did my morning routines. In a flash, I was almost late anyway. Skipped my way to the trainstation and sat to the train and placed my handbag on the seat next to me. Of course someone wanted to sit on that spot even though there were more seats available. I took my bag to my lap and gazed out of the window. At one point I glanced in front of me, on the seat I see a sock. Thought to myself that it looks just like mine.

Then in a flash I travel some 30 minutes earlier, back home and look closely where I pick up my bag. The laundry basket... And I realise the lonely sock IS mine. It must have caught to my bag and landed on the seat.

I watched over it all the way to the main station. Sat on my seat until everyone left and quickly grabbed the runaway sock and stuffed in my bag. It's a good sock. I didn't wanna lose it.

If it were my panties, I think I would have left them there...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, if it was your favorite panties there, you'd surely remember to pick 'em up! ;) Cute story, the sock got to travel on the train with you!
