Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tales from the Wasteland

NOTE: May contain spoilers. Well, yes it will.

It all started on my winter vacation in march. I had a week and a half off and wanted to spend it at home, just recharging my batteries. I played some games I had played before, million times over. I complained this to my friend and the dude told me to play Fallout 3. I asked why on earth. One sentence and I was sold: "You can eat corpses while wearing lingerie and a hockey mask." DUDE! THAT'S AWESOME!

So I tried it with my weary old, untrusty laptop. Poor thing screamed like a pig and heated up like a radiator in the winter when I played. Despite my laptop clearly not liking it, I continued playing. I kept getting hit bad and killed over and over. I wasn't very familiar with playing with a mouse and a keyboard, but still the game got me hooked. I might spend a whole Sunday just playing, forgetting the rest of the world.

Since I am a console player the whole laptop gaming was eating part of my fun. So I finally got myself an Xbox and Fallout 3 on it. I spent about 80 hours on my laptop, playing. When I got my Xbox, I decided to start over. My first char was called Trillian (10 points to who gets this book reference) and she was a redhead and pale as.. Well nothing is that pale. For my console char I decided to go for a male char, hispanic male char. I played through the vault and I felt kind of out of my skin. So at the door of Vault 101 I turned it around. Blond-haired chick. I didn't change the name. Later I just started calling her Blondi (50 points who gets where this name comes from) and not just cause her hair is blonde.

I really got sucked into the game world. Never really played anything where you can just wander around all you want doing quests, so that alone got me all hyped up. I must apologize my friends who have had to listen to me starting a conversation like "So, yesterday, in Fallout...", I am just enjoying it so much! People have said Fallout and Fallout 2 are actually better as a whole than Fallout 3, but I have no opinion. This is my first love and I dare not to give it away!

Knowing me it's not hard to guess that my char was completely good, karma never dropping to neutral (except hunting for Xbox achievements). And it wasn't too hard to guess that my char would be most lethal from a distance. Sitting on top of a destroyed building with my Sniper riffle, targetting raiders was the most fun I had on the game. They never knew what hit them!

Those who have played it, know what VATS is, and I used it a lot. Not a good aim anyway at freehand. Once I made an exception. It was an accident really. I was aiming the car behind a raider with my trusty (or not) sniper riffle, freehandedly. Even the raider was so far he didn't show up on the little compas thing. I aimed and aiiimed and aiiimed and finally fired. Blam the raider goes to pieces! Accidental lucky shot. I tried go collecting his gun but couldn't find it. Maybe he wasn't carrying one.

One time I was crossing the land to Tenpenny tower when suddenly I hear a noise, like someone fired a missile launcher at me. Pheeeewwww! BLAST! It lands right next to me. I turn around and see very angry Sentry bot coming at me... It was scary.

Though, not nearly as frightning as the first time I encountered a Deathclaw. I was wandering around, as I did a lot, when I see a creature running at me. I shoot at it and nothing. I panic, try shooting again but he's already on me and with one swing kills me. It scared me so much. As did meeting a Yao Quai a first time, since they are not exactly the prettiest of the creatures. Luckily I made them my friends. Like those little teddy bears. I would have wanted one as my companion.

(This is the spoiler part) But nothing can really beat Dogmeat as a companion. The little pup just does everything. Like kills a behemoth for you. He did. Of course I made it easy for him shooting couple of mini nukes at it, but he got the final mouthful sort to say. The little pup joined me at the Jefferson memorial to punch in the code and turn on the purifier. I decided it would be a suitable ending. Blondi sacrificing herself, turning to Dogmeat and saying "Well, I guess this is it, pal" and him still following her to the room and when Blondi fell down, Dogmeat was panting on her face and in the background Jefferson's statue getting clear inside the purifier... Made chills go down my spine. I was so happy with it ending like that. Perfect!

Of course I had Broken Steel by then so the game wasn't really over then, but man o man, that was still... Ah, made me so happy!

Now after two months of playing Fallout 3 weekly, I feel almost empty... What to do now? I don't wanna start all over again right when I finished it... But it's hard to let go. Maybe I should go try find Fawkes.

I fired Fawkes before the final mission and after it he is not at the Museum or the Citadel where I fired him... So... Where is he? Is he gone? For good? I miss Fawkes.

And I didn't even eat a corpse while wearing a lingerie and a hockey mask!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The tale of the sock

This morning was one of those wtf mornings. I wasn't sure getting up at all would be a good thing...

First thing I noticed that my friend had called me. My local time it was 4.30, hers... I'd say some time during the evening. Couldn't understand much but I think she said she misses me. Not exactly the worst way to wake up, I might add. :P

So then I did my morning routines. In a flash, I was almost late anyway. Skipped my way to the trainstation and sat to the train and placed my handbag on the seat next to me. Of course someone wanted to sit on that spot even though there were more seats available. I took my bag to my lap and gazed out of the window. At one point I glanced in front of me, on the seat I see a sock. Thought to myself that it looks just like mine.

Then in a flash I travel some 30 minutes earlier, back home and look closely where I pick up my bag. The laundry basket... And I realise the lonely sock IS mine. It must have caught to my bag and landed on the seat.

I watched over it all the way to the main station. Sat on my seat until everyone left and quickly grabbed the runaway sock and stuffed in my bag. It's a good sock. I didn't wanna lose it.

If it were my panties, I think I would have left them there...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The danger of the sale sign

I meant to write about this a lot sooner, but something distracted me. There's this little thing called work eating up my time, I wonder why. Anyway...

I'd like to warn everyone about the hazards of shopping. I bet someone one day just decided that women like shopping and then just spread the word. So now everyone is into shopping. Not just women, no. It's still terribly dangerous business.

On that particular day, I didn't plan on going shopping. When I stepped through the doors to the shop, I still didn't think I was going shopping. On that particular day I had listened to the radio on my mp3-player like I always do, when suddenly my headphones, the little plugs die. Can't hear a thing unless I am pressing a certain part of the cord really hard. So that meant I was in need of a new pair of plugs.

I managed to get through the rest of the work day without my radio, oh how uncomfortable that was, and decided to pop in to this little store on my way to the train station. The place sells movies, music, games and all things about those. So I walked past all those nice rows of movies and music and games and got to the shelf where there are headphones. I look at the prices in shock. Who wants to pay THAT much of some tiny little thingies you stuff to your ears? Appalled I turned away thinking there is no way I am spending my money on something that expensive.

So I walked past all those nice rows of movies again. Saw the sale signs... Saw the big stacks of movies... Thought, I've always wanted to see this. Oh and this too! Oh but I must have this too! Then I realised what I was doing and decided to leave. With the movies. Walked towards the counter... And saw the new album of my favourite band... Well I must have that too!

I sighed and handed the nice clerk my debit card. Well. It was more than what those headphones would have been. And I still needed to go to another store. Bigger store.

At that time of a day the place is packed with people. I really do not like big crowds like that, but I needed my headphones. I climbed to the 3rd floor to this big department store. Tried avoid seeing all the nice things they had on sale. They did have this nice distraction:

Oh how I wanted to swim with the duckies.

Anyway, I did got my headphones. And they were cheap ones too, because honestly, I don't want some expensive super-hyper-hi-tech plugs when they will get rained on, snowed on, they will freeze, they will get heat, they will be tangled in my bag and all things of that sort. Its life with me will be cruel.

The plugs were that type which will block all the outside noise and you don't have to listen so loudly. Wonderful idea, but makes me feel that I am trapped inside my own head... What a horrible place to be trapped in. ;) So... That meant I still needed new headphones. I went to my local store while grocery shopping. Found my cheap, non-sound proof plugs.

The amount of money that went into this would have bought me two pairs of the headphones I first saw. Shopping is dangerous. Or I am just a fool to the big, inviting SALE sign. Now I am off to watch all the movies I just had to get.

Laters. ;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This and that

I said I would let you know if I find something interesting to watch. I wasn't sure if I should mention since I didn't find anything interesting.

Instead, I watched King Kong. That movie is like an anesthetic... It is long and nothing interesting really happens. And Jack Black isn't even funny. I am sad that I wasted my time on it. I wish someone would have warned me! Oh well, I guess you need to see some bad movies in order to appreciate the good ones. :)

So anyway, I decided to write a little about cooking I did on Sunday but it failed too. I made some steaks, corn and salad. The only thing good was the salad. ;) Usually I love cooking but that day just brought me down. The peach-mint sauce was bit freaky with the steak, in a good way. I'll try that some other time, when I don't over cook anything...

Today I just made some basic work day food, a little this and that. I didn't go to the store today, so I opened my cupboards to see what I had and what would I could come up with. So this is what I had:

Rice for 4 people
300 grams of meatballs
2 bags of that curry sauce you mix with water
6 deciliters of milk
2 eggs
some cheese

I boiled the rice so it was bit undercooked, chopped the meatballs to little smaller pieces, mixed the milk, curry sauce and eggs together. Then mixed the rice and the meatballs together in a casserole pan and poured the newly made curry sauce on top. Then grated some cheese on top and put it to the oven to 220C for about 20 minutes.

Nothing too special but definitely good enough to feed one gal for few days.

I would really want to have a blender. I've been eyeing this red beauty for a while now. I imagine all the smoothies I could make with it. And of course, all the pina coladas I could make, let's be faithful to the topic.
